Subscription Cancellation

We would hate to see you go, but we respect your decision.

We follow a policy of 'Pay as you Use' .
Subscription Cancellation
You can Cancel your subscription anytime. If you cancel the service before one complete cycle, a partial refund will be given based on the number of days services used and online classes attended on a prorata basis. The Setup fee is non refundable.
All our plans priced above Rs 1000/- have a 7 day full refund policy.
What is not Refundable in all cases : Set Up Fee, Online Classes that you have attendedCancellation of Automatic Renewal of Account:
Customer has to notify us to cancel automatic renewal at least 3 (number of days) business days prior to the account expiration date. You can also cancel your subscription from your portal (if Included in your Plan)
Refunds will be processed through the mode that you made the purchase with or refund to your bank account or via Google Pay. Payments received in US$ through Paypal will be refunded to the same account. We will intimate you the reference of the refund action taken by us. The delays in refund reaching your account will be depend on your service provider.