Five Steps to Crack Pilot exams
Why Faster ?

The simple reason is ‘Later’ eats on both mind and money.
If you are aspiring for a CPL and want to clear your exams before your start your flying , the later you clear your exams you are only delaying the launch of your career. If you are aspiring for an ATPL, you should have cleared all your exams before you complete your flying experience requirements. If not, you are only delaying your career progression. Delay in career launch or progression in itself is a financial loss, even if you neglect the paltry sum that pay each time you appear for an exam ! Each time you take an exam twice you lose 3 months. In terms of money it’s a lot !

In each session approximately 5000 candidates appear for DGCA (India) online exams. On an Average 3-4 attempts are required by a candidate to pass unless proper guidance is available.
In ATPL exams including viva, this can increase to 6-7. Then there is the deadly RTR(A). This corresponds to a year or two of delay, which is a lot of money in Airlines. Some of us have to stay in cities for classes which is expensive and some have to coordinate with job schedules which is not possible always. All these experiences ultimately eat on our mind and money. The best way to save mind and money is crack the exams faster !
How to devise your strategy ?
The next question that comes to mind is ‘How’ do i crack the exam faster? Definitely this is not simple, if it was, people won’t be taking too long. To achieve this we need both – strategy and tools. Your strategy could be of self study, attending classes or personalized coaching. There are few factors to consider here. Like, at what stage are you in, how much time do you have in a day, what is the timeline you are looking at to clear ? The decision at this stage is weather you should go in for personalized assistance such as classes or self study. Pilots are by nature self learners. After all aviation is not rocket science. So, self study is a good option to consider whether you are just a starter or an ATPL aspirant. But if you are having difficulty in clearing the exams you should consider Online Classes. If you are a working professional looking to clear ATPL exam or convert foreign CPL to Indian CPL self study is the best option.

You could also explore Assisted Learning to make it faster.
Choosing the Right Resources
Well, once you have decided on your strategy now it's time to discover the resources available. If your strategy recommendation is personalized assistance then your options are physical classes or online classes. Physical classes are conducted mainly in Delhi / Mumbai / Metros. There are many ground schools for physical classes. The pricing is steep and courses are run in batches depending on the exam schedule. You need to call them up & find out the details. If your strategy is tilted towards self study then the options are study through books or through online resources. Studying books and sample papers is a good option but a time taking one. Our brain processes visuals much faster than text. The books are of vintage era and have not really changed over years.

Advantages of Online Training
Content is updated regularly
Content is available always
Significantly cheaper
Comfort of home
Wide variety of Options - Self Study to Regular Online Classes
Sample papers are of great help if your aim is to only to pass the exams. Sample paper based preparation will help you in clearing the exam but if your fundamentals are not strong then oral tests, airline interviews can become difficult to crack. I would suggest that you have a look at the syllabus to make a decision. On the other hand there is a lot of online content available. Quite a lot is available free of cost as well.
The problem with online content is that its mostly unstructured except if its a really well made course. Few things that you need to keep in mind while taking an online option. Check out the curriculum of the course on offer, That will tell you the method of delivery. If the curriculum is not complete and all inclusive, in all probability you will require additional resources. What's the point in enrolling if you have to do all the hard work putting the resources together. Next is quality. Look out for the content and its quality.

You must check the validity of enrollment. It should provide long enough access so that you can visit it later when you need.
If you are a working professional then join an Assisted learning program rather than online classes which is self paced rather than online classes which are schedule based. Some online courses offer Assisted learning as well which can be an excellent option for few. Usually online courses will include sample papers as well. Online courses will usually cost you lesser.

Before choosing any resource ask yourself
Will this help me in reaching where I want to ?
How fast ?
At what cost ?
You will make the right decision.